I just discovered one template in RootsMagic that may be missing. It is the template for a state-level registration that is an online image. There is a template for state-level vital records that are online derivatives, and there is a template for state-level certificates that are online images. Neither one of these quite fits what I'm looking for. I'm looking at the Michigan state-level birth registers that are digitized at FamilySearchLabs. The state-level certificates, online images template doesn't work because there is not a field to put the volume number in the source detail. Since the registrations I'm looking at are actual images and not just derivatives, the derivatives template won't work either. Hmmm....time to experiment with creating a new template. That may have to wait until tomorrow, as it seems like a daunting task, and it is getting late. I am printing out all of the instructions for creating a new template. At first glance, I think I will copy the vital record state-level certificate online image template and add a field for the volume number and alternate fields for the county and year, as sometimes FamilySearchLabs does not reference the volume number.
Another thing I noticed is that if I import my family tree directly out of Legacy 7.0, the sources get all jumbled up in the import. It seems like a pretty major problem. This may be what prevents me from switching to RootsMagic. I will have to reformat just about all my sources in RootsMagic. As much as I like all the features of RootsMagic, I'm not sure if I like them enough to reformat 99% of my sources. I have a feeling that importing a GEDCOM will have the same result because I had major problems with the source format when uploading a GEDCOM exported from Legacy 7.0 to Rootsweb's WorldConnect. I think it has something to do with the format of Legacy's source templates more than it has to do with RootsMagic or Rootsweb. Hmm...something to think about.
I'll let you all know how creating the source template goes!
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Sunday, August 30, 2009
RootsMagic vs. Legacy - Part III
Saturday, August 29, 2009
RootsMagic vs. Legacy - Part II
This post will probably not be as long as Part I, but I just have to lament on here for a moment.
At first, I was very excited that I could share a child's birth event in RootsMagic with the parents. It would then show up in the parent's fact list in the edit person screen with the parent's age at the time of the child's birth. Well, I think I may have figured out one major area where Legacy excels over RootsMagic. REPORTING!!! There were very few options that I could change when generating a family group sheet. Every fact/event was added to the family group sheet. I like my family group sheets to be simple and contain only birth, marriage, death, and burial info for each person. I don't like every single event showing up. How does sharing a child's birth play into this? Well, on my parents' family group sheet, my birth is showing up under my mom's name, along with her birth and the births of my siblings. I only want her birth to show up. I tried going into her edit person screen and making my birth a private event, but this made it a private event for me too. Making it private doesn't allow it to show up anywhere on the family group sheet, even under my name. I looked for ways to exclude certain events, but the only way was to make an event private. Legacy is much more flexible about choosing what events to put in a family group sheet. Maybe I will have to use RootsMagic as my working database and Legacy as my reporting database.
UPDATE: I think I figured something out in RootsMagic. By going to the Fact Type List, I can choose a fact type and then edit it's properties. One of the items to check is Include in Family Group Sheets. This solves most of my problem. The only problem is that I can't tell a birth to not show up in family group sheets. But I can create an event called "Birth of child" and tell this not to show up in family group sheets. At least I can share this event between the two parents because otherwise, it defeats some of my excitement about sharing.
At first, I was very excited that I could share a child's birth event in RootsMagic with the parents. It would then show up in the parent's fact list in the edit person screen with the parent's age at the time of the child's birth. Well, I think I may have figured out one major area where Legacy excels over RootsMagic. REPORTING!!! There were very few options that I could change when generating a family group sheet. Every fact/event was added to the family group sheet. I like my family group sheets to be simple and contain only birth, marriage, death, and burial info for each person. I don't like every single event showing up. How does sharing a child's birth play into this? Well, on my parents' family group sheet, my birth is showing up under my mom's name, along with her birth and the births of my siblings. I only want her birth to show up. I tried going into her edit person screen and making my birth a private event, but this made it a private event for me too. Making it private doesn't allow it to show up anywhere on the family group sheet, even under my name. I looked for ways to exclude certain events, but the only way was to make an event private. Legacy is much more flexible about choosing what events to put in a family group sheet. Maybe I will have to use RootsMagic as my working database and Legacy as my reporting database.
UPDATE: I think I figured something out in RootsMagic. By going to the Fact Type List, I can choose a fact type and then edit it's properties. One of the items to check is Include in Family Group Sheets. This solves most of my problem. The only problem is that I can't tell a birth to not show up in family group sheets. But I can create an event called "Birth of child" and tell this not to show up in family group sheets. At least I can share this event between the two parents because otherwise, it defeats some of my excitement about sharing.
RootsMagic vs. Legacy - Part I
Since I've decided to take the RootsMagic cruise, I've been testing out their software. From some reviews I'd seen of it, I thought that it wasn't much different from Legacy. However, since I've been using it in the last twelve hours and testing out some of the features, I *think* I like it better than Legacy. Who knows? Maybe I will be converted to RootsMagic by the time of the cruise. I really don't want to change software again, but I really like several features of RootsMagic.
First, the layout of RootsMagic is more telling on the screen. In the family view, a couple and their children are shown with the full birth and death info on the screen for each child. In Legacy, each child is listed in the family view, but it only has the name of the child and the birth and death years, such as "John Doe (1896-1940)." I had the full family view using FTM and was slightly disappointed when I switched to Legacy and no longer had the full view. There is an option in Legacy to toggle over a child to see the full info in a popup box, but even then, some of the info is cut off.
In RootsMagic, I can also see the age at marriage in the family view for the husband, wife, or child highlighted. In Legacy, you can see the age at marriage, but you have to click on the marriage information screen to see this. It does not show up in family view. For the child's marriage age in Legacy, you would have to go into the child's family view and then click on his or her marriage info screen, so that involves even more clicking!
I also like that it's much easier to share an event between individuals in RootsMagic than in Legacy. Legacy requires a lot of clicking and switching screen shots to copy and paste an event. In RootsMagic, I can just double click on the event in the edit person screen, then click on "share" to the right, and choose the other people involved in the event. I can choose as many people as I want and even add new people that are not already in my database. I think this is going to be really great for census records. I can also assign roles to these people.
Another neat thing in RootsMagic is that you can share a child's birth event with the parents. In the parent's edit person screen, the child's birth shows up in the facts list, and the parent's age at the time of the child's birth is given. In Legacy, the child's birth only shows up in the Chronology view for a parent. It does not show up in the edit person view. I think that in Legacy, I could create a "Child Birth" event, but then it would show up double on the chronology view/report, unless I told it to not use this event in reports. Still, the parent's age would not show up in the edit person view. Only the event and the description of the event would show up.
The sourcing function in RootsMagic is more sophisticated than Legacy's. They both have templates based on Elizabeth Shown Mills' Evidence Explained, but RootsMagic has more specific and accurate templates than Legacy does. For instance, I'm frequently having to override Legacy's templates to get them to look like Elizabeth Shown Mills' citations, but I find that I do not have to do this in RootsMagic. RootsMagic does not give the option to override, but it does give the option to create my own template, which Legacy does not do. I would prefer to create my own template rather than override. So far, I have not even had to create my own template, however, because the ones provided by RootsMagic have mimicked Mills' citations to the tee. I think that Legacy's templates are more generic and have more bugs in them.
Of course, I am still not done testing out RootsMagic, so I have labeled this post "Part I." I'm sure that I will come up with some more features to compare. I do have to note that Legacy does have excellent customer service. Once, I sent a request to the Help Desk to add a template for the 1890 Veterans' Census - Online Images. I got an email back from Geoff Rasmussen, co-founder of Millenia Corporation, telling me that it would be in the next update. Now that's customer service!!
One thing that I do like about Legacy better than RootsMagic is that Legacy allows me to source the mother and father relationship. I got around that in RootsMagic by creating an event called "Father Relationship" and "Mother Relationship." I'm just not sure how this event will show up in reports. I know that in Legacy, I can choose "show relationships" for reports, and the sources will show up on the report. Though the function does not work properly on family group sheets in Legacy. There is still a bug they have to fix. I usually use the function in Individual Reports in Legacy instead.
UPDATE: Sue tells me that in the edit person screen, underneath the person's name, is the name of the person's spouse(s) and parents. Sure enough, if I highlight the person's parents, to the right is a button called "Sources." The person's relationship (birth, adoption, step, etc) to the parents is above this. So this is where I can source mother and father relationships. Thanks, Sue!
First, the layout of RootsMagic is more telling on the screen. In the family view, a couple and their children are shown with the full birth and death info on the screen for each child. In Legacy, each child is listed in the family view, but it only has the name of the child and the birth and death years, such as "John Doe (1896-1940)." I had the full family view using FTM and was slightly disappointed when I switched to Legacy and no longer had the full view. There is an option in Legacy to toggle over a child to see the full info in a popup box, but even then, some of the info is cut off.
In RootsMagic, I can also see the age at marriage in the family view for the husband, wife, or child highlighted. In Legacy, you can see the age at marriage, but you have to click on the marriage information screen to see this. It does not show up in family view. For the child's marriage age in Legacy, you would have to go into the child's family view and then click on his or her marriage info screen, so that involves even more clicking!
I also like that it's much easier to share an event between individuals in RootsMagic than in Legacy. Legacy requires a lot of clicking and switching screen shots to copy and paste an event. In RootsMagic, I can just double click on the event in the edit person screen, then click on "share" to the right, and choose the other people involved in the event. I can choose as many people as I want and even add new people that are not already in my database. I think this is going to be really great for census records. I can also assign roles to these people.
Another neat thing in RootsMagic is that you can share a child's birth event with the parents. In the parent's edit person screen, the child's birth shows up in the facts list, and the parent's age at the time of the child's birth is given. In Legacy, the child's birth only shows up in the Chronology view for a parent. It does not show up in the edit person view. I think that in Legacy, I could create a "Child Birth" event, but then it would show up double on the chronology view/report, unless I told it to not use this event in reports. Still, the parent's age would not show up in the edit person view. Only the event and the description of the event would show up.
The sourcing function in RootsMagic is more sophisticated than Legacy's. They both have templates based on Elizabeth Shown Mills' Evidence Explained, but RootsMagic has more specific and accurate templates than Legacy does. For instance, I'm frequently having to override Legacy's templates to get them to look like Elizabeth Shown Mills' citations, but I find that I do not have to do this in RootsMagic. RootsMagic does not give the option to override, but it does give the option to create my own template, which Legacy does not do. I would prefer to create my own template rather than override. So far, I have not even had to create my own template, however, because the ones provided by RootsMagic have mimicked Mills' citations to the tee. I think that Legacy's templates are more generic and have more bugs in them.
Of course, I am still not done testing out RootsMagic, so I have labeled this post "Part I." I'm sure that I will come up with some more features to compare. I do have to note that Legacy does have excellent customer service. Once, I sent a request to the Help Desk to add a template for the 1890 Veterans' Census - Online Images. I got an email back from Geoff Rasmussen, co-founder of Millenia Corporation, telling me that it would be in the next update. Now that's customer service!!
One thing that I do like about Legacy better than RootsMagic is that Legacy allows me to source the mother and father relationship. I got around that in RootsMagic by creating an event called "Father Relationship" and "Mother Relationship." I'm just not sure how this event will show up in reports. I know that in Legacy, I can choose "show relationships" for reports, and the sources will show up on the report. Though the function does not work properly on family group sheets in Legacy. There is still a bug they have to fix. I usually use the function in Individual Reports in Legacy instead.
UPDATE: Sue tells me that in the edit person screen, underneath the person's name, is the name of the person's spouse(s) and parents. Sure enough, if I highlight the person's parents, to the right is a button called "Sources." The person's relationship (birth, adoption, step, etc) to the parents is above this. So this is where I can source mother and father relationships. Thanks, Sue!
Another Longer Update
Just wanted to announce that I have decided to go on the RootsMagic Valentines Cruise in February 2010!!! I am super excited!! I don't even use RootsMagic, but Legacy's cruise always leaves from Europe or South America or somewhere exotic that I can't quite afford to get to. This one leaves from Miami, well within my budget...yay!! It is a 7-day cruise that goes to the Royal Caribbean's private beach in Haiti, then to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Cozumel, before heading back to Miami. The classes all take place during the two full days at sea and half a day on the day in Haiti. I'm excited because the Genealogy Guys will be speakers, and I absolutely love their show! My mom is probably going with me, but she won't be taking the genealogy classes. My dad may go as well if he can get the vacation time. I figure I need something to look forward to since the wedding is now in limbo.
I'm also excited about going to see my sister in northern California this fall! She just moved into a Victorian home built about 1910, so we're going to see what kind of genealogy we can dig up on the house. She lives about 45 minutes outside of Sacramento. We plan to take day trips to San Francisco (probably a weekend trip), Napa Valley, Sacramento, and to see the Redwoods. Maybe even Lake Tahoe, depending on how long I stay. I'm just waiting for my supervisor to return from medical leave before I go. And for my sister and brother-in-law to get settled in their new house. It will probably be late October.
In the meantime, I'm going to New Orleans with Cade next weekend for a Labor Day getaway. We need a relaxing trip after all the turmoil of calling off the wedding. And we are thinking of taking a weekend trip to Pensacola at the end of September.
Anyhow, just so excited about my trips, I had to share!
I'm also excited about going to see my sister in northern California this fall! She just moved into a Victorian home built about 1910, so we're going to see what kind of genealogy we can dig up on the house. She lives about 45 minutes outside of Sacramento. We plan to take day trips to San Francisco (probably a weekend trip), Napa Valley, Sacramento, and to see the Redwoods. Maybe even Lake Tahoe, depending on how long I stay. I'm just waiting for my supervisor to return from medical leave before I go. And for my sister and brother-in-law to get settled in their new house. It will probably be late October.
In the meantime, I'm going to New Orleans with Cade next weekend for a Labor Day getaway. We need a relaxing trip after all the turmoil of calling off the wedding. And we are thinking of taking a weekend trip to Pensacola at the end of September.
Anyhow, just so excited about my trips, I had to share!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Pemberton Obituary Project: Eliza Jane (Pemberton) Finkle
I just noticed that I don't have an obituary for my 3rd great-grandmother, Mary Ann (Coombs) Pemberton. She was married to John C. Pemberton. I know from her death record that she died in Sep 1913 in Detroit. I have a feeling that there is probably not an obituary for her, considering that she was a woman and it was 1913. In addition, she died in such a large metropolitan area and was not particularly wealthy. Prior to her husband's death in Nov 1912, she seems to have lived in Macomb County, Michigan. When she died, she was living with her son in Detroit (Wayne County). I'm assuming she moved in with her son sometime after her husband's death in Nov 1912 and her death in Sep 1913. The Macomb County newspaper obits are indexed online at the website of the Mount Clemens Public Library, and while I found her husband in the index, I can't seem to find an index entry for her. I think I will still put it on my to-do list to check the actual newspapers in Macomb County, just in case she was missed in the index, and to check Detroit papers, just in case she did have an obit there.
Next on my list is Stephen Pemberton, but I don't have an obit for him either. He was the second child of Jeremiah Pemberton and Susanna Jermyn and John C. Pemberton's younger brother. According to John's Civil War pension application, Stephen died from an illness contracted while fighting in the same unit as John. He died in Limaville, Stark, Ohio. It looks like the Stark County Republican is available from the time period at the Ohio Historical Society. It would be interesting to see if there are any reports of a traveling soldier dying there. John said he was taking Stephen home to see their mother one last time before he died. John had to leave him in Limaville and continue on to Michigan to get their mother. She arrived just before he died.
After Stephen comes Eliza Jane (Pemberton) Finkle. Eliza was the third child of Jeremiah and Susanna. Luckily, I do have an obit for Eliza.
From Port Huron (Michigan) Times-Herald, 21 April 1927, p. 7.
One interesting thing to note is that Eliza's son, Jerry Finkle, died just three days before she did. He was actually buried on the day that she died. He died of heart disease in Toledo, Ohio, and was buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Port Huron, Michigan. From cemetery records, I know that Eliza was also buried at Lakeside.
Eliza also had another son, Burton Finkle, who died in Nov 1909 in Cleveland after being run over by a train.
I just realized that I don't have an obit for Eliza's husband, David Finkle. I do have his death record, which states that he died 1 Apr 1915 in Port Huron. I just added it to my to-do list to search for the obit next time I am in Michigan.
Next on my list is Stephen Pemberton, but I don't have an obit for him either. He was the second child of Jeremiah Pemberton and Susanna Jermyn and John C. Pemberton's younger brother. According to John's Civil War pension application, Stephen died from an illness contracted while fighting in the same unit as John. He died in Limaville, Stark, Ohio. It looks like the Stark County Republican is available from the time period at the Ohio Historical Society. It would be interesting to see if there are any reports of a traveling soldier dying there. John said he was taking Stephen home to see their mother one last time before he died. John had to leave him in Limaville and continue on to Michigan to get their mother. She arrived just before he died.
After Stephen comes Eliza Jane (Pemberton) Finkle. Eliza was the third child of Jeremiah and Susanna. Luckily, I do have an obit for Eliza.
From Port Huron (Michigan) Times-Herald, 21 April 1927, p. 7.
Mrs. Eliza Finkle, 82, died at the family residence, 1804 Scott avenue, Wednesday afternoon.I just noticed that this announcement does not actually list the funeral arrangements. I should probably go back and check to see if there is another announcement that does mention them.
She is survived by three sons, Hayes W. Finkle, this city, William K. Finkle, Tashmoo Park, Roy D. Finkle, Saginaw; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Knight, Lansing, Mrs. Thomas Leslie, Sandusky; a brother, Charles Pemberton, Algonac; two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Jones, this city, Mrs. Agnes Phelps, Algonac; one grandchild and one great-grandchild.
One interesting thing to note is that Eliza's son, Jerry Finkle, died just three days before she did. He was actually buried on the day that she died. He died of heart disease in Toledo, Ohio, and was buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Port Huron, Michigan. From cemetery records, I know that Eliza was also buried at Lakeside.
Eliza also had another son, Burton Finkle, who died in Nov 1909 in Cleveland after being run over by a train.
I just realized that I don't have an obit for Eliza's husband, David Finkle. I do have his death record, which states that he died 1 Apr 1915 in Port Huron. I just added it to my to-do list to search for the obit next time I am in Michigan.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Pemberton Obituary Project: John C. Pemberton
I'll begin my series of Pemberton obituaries with the obit of my 3rd-great-grandfather and oldest child of Jeremiah and Susanna (Jermyn) Pemberton.
From The Richmond (Michigan) Review, 6 Dec 1912:
This was also the first source I had for his place of birth, though I later found it listed as Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, in his army enlistment records. There is no "Blennem" according to the Ontario Locator, but there is a city called Blenheim in Harwich Township in Kent County, and a township called Blenheim in Oxford County. I should probably re-think whether or not his obit referred to Kent or Oxford County, since I have no other evidence of his family being in either Kent or Oxford. For some reason, I was sure it was Kent, but I think that's only because Kent is closer to Michigan, where the family ended up. Oxford is closer to Wentworth and York Counties, where he may have been born and where is parents married.
John actually enlisted in 1861 when he was 22 years old, not 24 years old.
When the obit says that he moved to Michigan after his discharge, I think it may have meant that he moved to Macomb County. He had been in Michigan prior to the Civil War, according to the 1860 census record.
The two sons left behind were referring to his oldest child, Burton J. Pemberton, and my great-great-grandfather, Lovell Hugh Pemberton. The two daughters were Elva M. (Pemberton) Harriman and Myrtle Lavina (Pemberton) Finkle. He had a third daughter, Grace Mary (Pemberton) Leonardson, but she had died in 1909.
His three brothers were Samuel, William Thomas, and Charles Pemberton. His fourth brother, Stephen Pemberton, had died in 1862 or 1863 during the Civil War.
His three sisters were Sarah Maria (Pemberton) Morrison Jones, Eliza Jane (Pemberton) Finkle, and Agnes Emma (Pemberton) Phelps. This makes me think that his sister, Ella (Pemberton) Fink, had died before 1912, especially since I can't seem to find her in the 1910 census. I have it on my to-do list to order the Lucas County, Ohio, deaths from 1896-1908 on microfilm at the FHL.
Something else of interest that I noticed this time. Underneath the headline "John Pemberton" it reads "From The People's Advocate." I can't seem to find a newspaper in either Macomb or St. Clair County called this. The only one in Michigan that I can find is in Manistee, which is very far away from Macomb County in northwest Michigan. I don't know that John ever lived in Manistee. I even searched in Canada, but only came up with one in Vancouver, British Columbia, which is very far away!! Hmm....something to investigate.
From The Richmond (Michigan) Review, 6 Dec 1912:
The body of John Pemberton was laid to rest in Centennial cemetery last Saturday, services being held in the Baptist church, Rev. E.K. Smith officiating.This obituary was the first record I discovered that gave his religious preference, or at least the religious preference of a close family member: Baptist. Though it seems his parents were Anglican, as they married in the Anglican cathedral in Toronto. I've done a little research on Baptist churches in Richmond, Michigan, and found two that are there today. The one with a website is called Community Baptist Church. It did not include a history on its website, and it had a modern church feel. The other church without a website was First Baptist Church. This is probably more likely where John's funeral was held, though there could have been another Baptist church that is no longer in existence. This is something to research.
John Pemberton was born in Blennem, Canada, in 1839, and moved to the United States at the age of fifteen. He enlisted in the 1st Michigan Cavalry, Co. C, at the age of twenty-four years and served until the close of the war. After receiving his honorable discharge he moved to Michigan, where he has since made his home.
The deceased was married to Mary A. Combs in 1865, at New Baltimore. Mr. Pemberton leaves a widow, two daughters, two sons, three brothers and three sisters
This was also the first source I had for his place of birth, though I later found it listed as Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, in his army enlistment records. There is no "Blennem" according to the Ontario Locator, but there is a city called Blenheim in Harwich Township in Kent County, and a township called Blenheim in Oxford County. I should probably re-think whether or not his obit referred to Kent or Oxford County, since I have no other evidence of his family being in either Kent or Oxford. For some reason, I was sure it was Kent, but I think that's only because Kent is closer to Michigan, where the family ended up. Oxford is closer to Wentworth and York Counties, where he may have been born and where is parents married.
John actually enlisted in 1861 when he was 22 years old, not 24 years old.
When the obit says that he moved to Michigan after his discharge, I think it may have meant that he moved to Macomb County. He had been in Michigan prior to the Civil War, according to the 1860 census record.
The two sons left behind were referring to his oldest child, Burton J. Pemberton, and my great-great-grandfather, Lovell Hugh Pemberton. The two daughters were Elva M. (Pemberton) Harriman and Myrtle Lavina (Pemberton) Finkle. He had a third daughter, Grace Mary (Pemberton) Leonardson, but she had died in 1909.
His three brothers were Samuel, William Thomas, and Charles Pemberton. His fourth brother, Stephen Pemberton, had died in 1862 or 1863 during the Civil War.
His three sisters were Sarah Maria (Pemberton) Morrison Jones, Eliza Jane (Pemberton) Finkle, and Agnes Emma (Pemberton) Phelps. This makes me think that his sister, Ella (Pemberton) Fink, had died before 1912, especially since I can't seem to find her in the 1910 census. I have it on my to-do list to order the Lucas County, Ohio, deaths from 1896-1908 on microfilm at the FHL.
Something else of interest that I noticed this time. Underneath the headline "John Pemberton" it reads "From The People's Advocate." I can't seem to find a newspaper in either Macomb or St. Clair County called this. The only one in Michigan that I can find is in Manistee, which is very far away from Macomb County in northwest Michigan. I don't know that John ever lived in Manistee. I even searched in Canada, but only came up with one in Vancouver, British Columbia, which is very far away!! Hmm....something to investigate.
Pemberton Obituary Project: Intro
To ease myself back into blogging, I've decided to post a series of obituaries on my Pemberton ancestors. Before I start posting the obituaries, I will give an introduction to the family. As stated in previous posts, the Pemberton's are my maternal grandfather's line. This is one of my many Michigan lines. My mother was born and raised in Michigan, so at least 50% of my lines have Michigan ties. Over the last two years, I've been collecting obituaries, primarily from Michigan, on this side of the family.
The farthest back I've traced the Pemberton line is to my 4th great-grandparents, Jeremiah Pemberton and Susanna Jermyn. Jeremiah was born about 1812, probably in New York. Susanna was born about 1820, most likely either in Ireland, England, or Canada. They married at St. James (Anglican) Cathedral in Toronto on 19 Nov 1836. Their oldest child, John, my 3rd great-grandfather, was born 3 Apr 1839 in either Hamilton in Wentworth County, Ontario or in Blenheim in Kent County, Ontario. His enlistment record for the Civil War states Hamilton, while his obituary states "Blennem." I have a feeling that he was born in Hamilton, and the family later moved to Kent County. By the time of the 1860 census, Jeremiah and Susanna had settled in Brownstown Township in Wayne County, Michigan. According to several records, their youngest child, Charles Pemberton, was born in Michigan on 11 Sep 1856. All other children seem to have been born in Ontario. Between 1860 and 1865, Jeremiah and Susanna again relocated north to Clay Township in St. Clair County, Michigan. Jeremiah died on 7 Jul 1881 in Clay, and Susanna died on 24 Apr 1891 in Clay.
Jeremiah and Susanna had the following children:
1) John C. Pemberton was born 3 Apr 1839 in either Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, or Blenheim, Kent, Ontario. He married Mary Ann Coombs on 30 Dec 1865 in New Baltimore, Macomb, Michigan. They had five known children. He died on 27 Nov 1912 in New Haven, Macomb, Michigan. Mary died on 14 Sep 1913 in Detroit at the home of their oldest child, Burton.
2) Stephen Pemberton was born about 1842 in Ontario. He died about 1862 or 1863 in Limaville, Stark, Ohio, during his service in the Civil War. According to John's pension record, he and Stephen were in the same unit. Stephen became sick, and he and John were en route back home to Michigan when Stephen died. John later turned himself in for desertion and returned to his unit.
3) Eliza Jane Pemberton was born 16 Sep 1844 in Ontario. She married David Finkle on 27 Apr 1865 in Clay, St. Clair, Michigan. They had 7 known children. Eliza died on 20 Apr 1927 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. David died on 1 Apr 1915 in Port Huron.
4) Agnes Emma Pemberton was born 16 Mar 1846 in Ontario. She married Joseph Putnam Phelps on 22 Jan 1867 in Clay. They had 6 known children. Agnes died on 29 Dec 1931 in Clay. Joseph died on 15 Mar 1919 in Clay.
5) Samuel Pemberton was born 18 Sep 1847 in Ontario. He married Ellen McCoy on 25 Nov 1871 in Algonac, St. Clair, Michigan. They had 5 known children. Samuel died on 14 Aug 1917 in Raber, Chippewa, Michigan. Ellen died on 14 Oct 1909 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa, Michigan.
6) William Thomas Pemberton was born 5 Aug 1849 in Ontario. He married Hannah Jane Winters on 25 Nov 1871 in Algonac (same day as his brother, Samuel, married Ellen McCoy). They had 9 known children. William died on 12 Jan 1915 in Shelldrake, Chippewa, Michigan. Hannah died on 9 Feb 1925 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan.
7) Sarah Maria Pemberton was born 3 Jun 1851 in Ontario. She married Reuben Morrison on 20 May 1871 in Detroit. They had 2 known children. Reuben died on 7 Apr 1892 in Wales, St. Clair, Michigan. Sarah married Charles F. Jones on 9 May 1910 in Sault Ste. Marie. Sarah died on 9 Feb 1941 in Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan. Charles died on 15 Mar 1941 in Marysville.
8) Elmira "Ella" Pemberton was born Jun 1854 in Ontario. She married Jacob Fink about 1871 in St. Clair County, Michigan (curiously, the marriage was recorded as occurring in 1894, though Jacob states in John's pension record that he was married to John's sister in the spring of 1871...their first child was born in Sep 1872). They had 9 known children. Jacob and Ella had moved to Toledo, Ohio, by 1900. They appear to have died there between 1900 and 1910.
9) Charles Pemberton was born 11 Sep 1856 in Michigan. He married Blanche Poole/Blankerts (she was born a Blankerts and adopted by a family named Poole) on 8 Aug 1879 in Algonac. They had 9 known children. Blanche died on 7 Mar 1928 in Algonac. Charles married Aurelia Blanche Wagner between Mar 1928 and Apr 1930. Charles died on 29 Jul 1939 in Port Huron. Aurelia died 27 Oct 1946 in Algonac.
The farthest back I've traced the Pemberton line is to my 4th great-grandparents, Jeremiah Pemberton and Susanna Jermyn. Jeremiah was born about 1812, probably in New York. Susanna was born about 1820, most likely either in Ireland, England, or Canada. They married at St. James (Anglican) Cathedral in Toronto on 19 Nov 1836. Their oldest child, John, my 3rd great-grandfather, was born 3 Apr 1839 in either Hamilton in Wentworth County, Ontario or in Blenheim in Kent County, Ontario. His enlistment record for the Civil War states Hamilton, while his obituary states "Blennem." I have a feeling that he was born in Hamilton, and the family later moved to Kent County. By the time of the 1860 census, Jeremiah and Susanna had settled in Brownstown Township in Wayne County, Michigan. According to several records, their youngest child, Charles Pemberton, was born in Michigan on 11 Sep 1856. All other children seem to have been born in Ontario. Between 1860 and 1865, Jeremiah and Susanna again relocated north to Clay Township in St. Clair County, Michigan. Jeremiah died on 7 Jul 1881 in Clay, and Susanna died on 24 Apr 1891 in Clay.
Jeremiah and Susanna had the following children:
1) John C. Pemberton was born 3 Apr 1839 in either Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, or Blenheim, Kent, Ontario. He married Mary Ann Coombs on 30 Dec 1865 in New Baltimore, Macomb, Michigan. They had five known children. He died on 27 Nov 1912 in New Haven, Macomb, Michigan. Mary died on 14 Sep 1913 in Detroit at the home of their oldest child, Burton.
2) Stephen Pemberton was born about 1842 in Ontario. He died about 1862 or 1863 in Limaville, Stark, Ohio, during his service in the Civil War. According to John's pension record, he and Stephen were in the same unit. Stephen became sick, and he and John were en route back home to Michigan when Stephen died. John later turned himself in for desertion and returned to his unit.
3) Eliza Jane Pemberton was born 16 Sep 1844 in Ontario. She married David Finkle on 27 Apr 1865 in Clay, St. Clair, Michigan. They had 7 known children. Eliza died on 20 Apr 1927 in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. David died on 1 Apr 1915 in Port Huron.
4) Agnes Emma Pemberton was born 16 Mar 1846 in Ontario. She married Joseph Putnam Phelps on 22 Jan 1867 in Clay. They had 6 known children. Agnes died on 29 Dec 1931 in Clay. Joseph died on 15 Mar 1919 in Clay.
5) Samuel Pemberton was born 18 Sep 1847 in Ontario. He married Ellen McCoy on 25 Nov 1871 in Algonac, St. Clair, Michigan. They had 5 known children. Samuel died on 14 Aug 1917 in Raber, Chippewa, Michigan. Ellen died on 14 Oct 1909 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa, Michigan.
6) William Thomas Pemberton was born 5 Aug 1849 in Ontario. He married Hannah Jane Winters on 25 Nov 1871 in Algonac (same day as his brother, Samuel, married Ellen McCoy). They had 9 known children. William died on 12 Jan 1915 in Shelldrake, Chippewa, Michigan. Hannah died on 9 Feb 1925 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan.
7) Sarah Maria Pemberton was born 3 Jun 1851 in Ontario. She married Reuben Morrison on 20 May 1871 in Detroit. They had 2 known children. Reuben died on 7 Apr 1892 in Wales, St. Clair, Michigan. Sarah married Charles F. Jones on 9 May 1910 in Sault Ste. Marie. Sarah died on 9 Feb 1941 in Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan. Charles died on 15 Mar 1941 in Marysville.
8) Elmira "Ella" Pemberton was born Jun 1854 in Ontario. She married Jacob Fink about 1871 in St. Clair County, Michigan (curiously, the marriage was recorded as occurring in 1894, though Jacob states in John's pension record that he was married to John's sister in the spring of 1871...their first child was born in Sep 1872). They had 9 known children. Jacob and Ella had moved to Toledo, Ohio, by 1900. They appear to have died there between 1900 and 1910.
9) Charles Pemberton was born 11 Sep 1856 in Michigan. He married Blanche Poole/Blankerts (she was born a Blankerts and adopted by a family named Poole) on 8 Aug 1879 in Algonac. They had 9 known children. Blanche died on 7 Mar 1928 in Algonac. Charles married Aurelia Blanche Wagner between Mar 1928 and Apr 1930. Charles died on 29 Jul 1939 in Port Huron. Aurelia died 27 Oct 1946 in Algonac.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Quick Update
Some of you may be wondering where I have been. It is very unusual for me to take more than a 4 or 5-day break from blogging. Maybe a week at most. I don't believe I've posted since August 8. Well, my fiance has decided that he is not ready to get married on October 24 as planned. Naturally, this has been very upsetting to me, especially since we have been together almost 5 years, and we are both in our late twenties/early thirties. It's not as if we are in our early twenties and have only been together for a year or two. I'm just very hurt and very confused, and we both need your thoughts and prayers. I have a feeling that we will be okay in the end, but it's hard to be patient. Hopefully, I will be back to blogging this weekend. It has just been very difficult to concentrate on my genealogy research these last two weeks. Thanks for understanding!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
SNGF: My Great-Great-Grandparents
From Randy at GeneaMusings:
Here is your SNGF assignment for the evening (if you choose to accept it - this is not stump the genealogist or even Mission Impossible):
1) List your 16 great-grandparents in pedigree chart order. List their birth and death years and places.
2) Figure out the dominant ethnicity or nationality of each of them.
3) Calculate your ancestral ethnicity or nationality by adding them up for the 16 - 6.25% for each (obviously, this is approximate).
4) If you don't know all 16 of your great-grandparents, then do it for the last full generation you have.
5) Write your own blog post, or make a comment on Facebook or in this post.
1) List your 16 great-grandparents in pedigree chart order. List their birth and death years and places.
2) Figure out the dominant ethnicity or nationality of each of them.
3) Calculate your ancestral ethnicity or nationality by adding them up for the 16 - 6.25% for each (obviously, this is approximate).
4) If you don't know all 16 of your great-grandparents, then do it for the last full generation you have.
5) Write your own blog post, or make a comment on Facebook or in this post.
16. Oscar TRAHAN was born on 17 Oct 1889 in Rayne, Acadia , Louisiana and died on 5 Aug 1962 in Lake Charles , Calcasieu , Louisiana at age 72. 1/2 CAJUN FRENCH AND 1/2 GERMAN
Oscar married Virginia PREJEAN on 18 Jan 1908 in Scott, Lafayette , Louisiana . They divorced between 1910 and 1920
17. Virginia PREJEAN was born on 12 Jul 1889 in Carencro, Lafayette , Louisiana and died on 3 Mar 1977 in Crowley , Acadia , Louisiana at age 87. CAJUN FRENCH
18. Maurice BONEAUX was born on 13 Aug 1883 in Scott, Lafayette , Louisiana and died on 5 Sep 1934 in Scott, Lafayette , Louisiana at age 51. 1/2 FRENCH AND 1/2 CAJUN FRENCH
Maurice married Marie Alice SONNIER on 10 Sep 1908 in Carencro, Lafayette , Louisiana .
19. Marie Alice SONNIER was born on 7 Sep 1891 in Carencro, Lafayette , Louisiana and died on 7 May 1970 in Vinton, Calcasieu , Louisiana at age 78. 1/4 CAJUN FRENCH AND 3/4 SPANISH (CANARY ISLANDS)
20. John Henry MERTENA was born on 11 Mar 1884 in Franklin County, Illinois and died on 28 Jan 1956 in Sulphur , Calcasieu , Louisiana at age 71. 1/2 GERMAN AND 1/2 ???? (I SUSPECT THE OTHER HALF TO BE GERMAN AS WELL)
John married Blanche WELDEN on 25 Dec 1907 in Mulhall, Logan , Oklahoma .
21. Blanche WELDEN was born on 31 Aug 1883 in Coffeysburg, Daviess , Missouri and died on 5 Feb 1970 in Sulphur , Calcasieu , Louisiana at age 86. POSSIBLY ENGLISH
22. William Harmon PROFFITT was born on 12 Jul 1871 in Jefferson County , Tennessee and died on 3 Jul 1944 in Alva, Woods, Oklahoma at age 72. SCOTTISH and GERMAN; possibly WELSH
William married Emmer Link BAKER on 17 Dec 1896 in Chestnut Hill, Jefferson , Tennessee .
23. Emmer Link BAKER was born on 20 Sep 1875 in North Carolina and died on 5 Jul 1949 in Waynoka, Woods, Oklahoma at age 73. ENGLISH??? SCOTTISH???
24. Lovell Hugh PEMBERTON was born on 14 Jan 1878 in Almont, Lapeer , Michigan and died on 23 Mar 1952 in Lexington , Sanilac , Michigan at age 74. ENGLISH???
Lovell married Alvina Mary LESPERANCE on 10 Nov 1902 in Anchorville, Saint Clair , Michigan
25. Alvina Mary LESPERANCE was born on 27 Nov 1881 in Anchorville, Saint Clair , Michigan and died on 16 Jun 1961 in Lexington , Sanilac , Michigan at age 79. FRENCH CANADIAN
26. Ernest George CRYSLER was born on 21 Oct 1877 in Forest, Lambton , Ontario , Canada and died on 8 May 1942 in Port Huron , Saint Clair , Michigan at age 64. 1/2 GERMAN and 1/2 ENGLISH
Ernest married Nellie May REYNOLDS on 18 Nov 1904 in Sandusky , Sanilac , Michigan
27. Nellie May REYNOLDS was born on 21 Oct 1890 in Elk, Sanilac , Michigan and died on 9 May 1917 in Yale, Saint Clair , Michigan at age 26. ENGLISH
28. Alexander CURRIE was born in Nov 1837 in Ontario , Canada and died on 28 Dec 1909 in Maple Valley , Sanilac , Michigan at age 75. SCOTTISH
29. Mary RAYMOND was born in Sep 1852 in Ontario , Canada and died between 1920 and 1930. ENGLISH?? SCOTTISH??
30. Robert PLAINE was born on 20 Feb 1870 in Caradoc, Middlesex , Ontario , Canada and died in 1936 in Euphemia, Lambton , Ontario , Canada at age 66. ENGLISH
Robert married Florence Minnie HILLMAN about 1891 in Euphemia, Lambton , Ontario , Canada .
31. Florence Minnie HILLMAN was born on 23 Jul 1867 in Alvinston, Lambton , Ontario , Canada and died on 9 Mar 1933 in Euphemia, Lambton , Ontario , Canada at age 65. 1/2 ENGLISH AND 1/2 SCOTTISH
Well, I would love to add them up, but there are too many unknowns and too many 1/2 and 1/2's. That's too much for my little accountant head on the weekend.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Great-Great Grandparents' Home

In a previous post, I featured the two homes of my great-grandparents, Bienvenue and Beatrice Marie (Boneaux) Trahan, after they moved to Vinton, Louisiana. The home featured above is the home that Beatrice grew up in. It is located near the corner of Hwy 93 and Wyman Road in Lafayette Parish in Ossun, Louisiana (just outside of the town of Scott). The home remains in the family, though it is leased by a non-family member who lives in that area.
Beatrice's parents were Maurice Boneaux and Marie Alice (Sonnier) Boneaux. Maurice and Marie married 10 Sep 1908 at Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Scott. Beatrice was born 26 Aug 1910 and baptized at the same church.
According to my paternal grandmother, there was another smaller house on the property, which Maurice's father, Dominique Boneaux, had built. This makes sense, as the 1910 census shows Dominique and Alida (Mouton) Boneaux, Maurice's parents, living next door to Maurice and Marie. That smaller house is no longer standing.
Bienvenue and Beatrice lived on the property with Maurice and Marie after they married in 1929. Bienvenue and Beatrice are the parents of my paternal grandfather. I'm trying to remember if my grandfather was born in this house featured here or in the smaller house (I'll have to ask him again). I know he was born in his grandmother's house, though I can't seem to remember if Marie moved into the smaller house after Bienvenue and Beatrice married, or if Bienvenue and Beatrice moved into the smaller house. I know Maurice died in Sep 1934, and I think this is when Marie moved into the smaller house. My grandfather was born in 1935. Questions, Questions!!
UPDATE: I talked to my grandfather this morning. I had a few things mixed up. There was an older house on the property, which was probably inhabited by Dominique and Alida. They were his great-grandparents, but they both died before he was born. The older house was torn down, and Bienvenue and Beatrice built a new house on the property. This new house is where my grandfather was born. This new house was sold many years ago and moved off the property. He verified that the house that is featured here was his grandmothers' house. I thought his delayed birth certificate said he was born at his grandmothers' house, but since his grandmother owned the property Bienvenue and Beatrice's house was on, maybe that's what that statement meant. I am going to have to double check the delayed birth certificate. Of course, as we all know, delayed birth certificates are in fact, delayed, which leaves some doubt about them being 100% correct.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Saturday Night Fun: My Genealogical Three's
Randy Seaver over at GeneaMusings has challenged us to yet another night of Saturday Night Fun. We are supposed to answer the following questions:
Three genealogical libraries I frequent
Three genealogical libraries I frequent
- Southwest Louisiana Genealogical Library (Lake Charles, LA)
- Bluebonnet Library (Baton Rouge, LA)
- St. Clair County Library (Port Huron, MI)
- Port Huron, Michigan
- Mulhall, Oklahoma
- Scott, Louisiana
- Baton Rouge Genealogical and Historical Society
- Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society
- St. Clair County Family History Group
- Ancestry.com
- FamilySearchLabs.org
- SeekingMichigan.org
- My great-great-great-grandparents: Theoville & Anna (Wise) Trahan - Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery - Scott, Louisiana
- My great-great-grandparents: Maurice and Marie Alice (Sonnier) Boneaux - Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery - Scott, Louisiana
- My great-grandparents: Archie and Jennie (Plaine) Currie - Omard Cemetery, Brown City, Michigan
- Port Royal/Beaubassin/Grand Pre, Nova Scotia (Trahan)
- Hart County, Kentucky (Welden/Renfro)
- Franklin/Jackson/Williamson County, Illinois (Orth/Mertena)
- John Henry Mertena (c. 1854-c. 1884)
- James Currie (c. 1815-?)
- Dominique Boneaux (c. 1837-c. 1920)
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