For: Sarah Maria PEMBERTON-48.8
To determine the birth date and place of Sarah
23 Dec 2007
Birth date and place
1860 U.S. Census
Brownstown, Wayne, Michigan Jeremiah Pemberton household |
Age 8 - c. 1851-52 in Canada
23 Dec 2007
Birth date and place
1870 U.S. Census
Algonac, Clay Twp, St. Clair, Michigan Jeremiah Pemberton household |
Age 19 - c. 1850-51 in New York
9 Jul 2008
Birth date and place
1871 Marriage record
20 May 1871 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan |
Age 20 - c. 1850-51 in Canada
9 Jul 2008
Birth date and place
1880 U.S. Census
Clay Twp, St. Clair, Michigan Reuben Morrison household |
Age 28 - c. 1851-52 in Canada
9 Jul 2008
Birth date and place
1900 U.S. Census
Port Huron Ward 8, St. Clair, Michigan Sarah Morrison household |
Age 47 - Jun 1852 in Canada
9 Jul 2008
Birth date and place
1910 Marriage record
9 May 1910 Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa, Michigan |
Age 49 - c. 1860-61 in Michigan
18 Jul 2008
Birth date and place
1910 U.S. Census
Port Huron Ward 11, St. Clair, Michigan Robert Tudhope household |
Age 57 - c. 1852-53 in Canada
18 Jul 2008
Birth date and place
1920 U.S. Census
Marysville, Port Huron Twp, St. Clair, Michigan Charles F. Jones household |
Age 60 - c. 1858-59 in Michigan
18 Jul 2008
Birth date and place
1930 U.S. Census
Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan Charles F. Jones household |
Age 76 - c. 1853-54 in Canada
15 Jul 2012
Birth date and place
1940 U.S. Census
Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan Charles Jones household |
Age 88 - c. 1851-52 in Canada
1 Aug 2007
Birth date and place
1941 Death Record
9 Feb 1941 Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan |
County Clerk's Office
Port Huron, Michigan |
Age 89y 8m 6d
Born 3 Jun 1851 in Michigan |
1 Aug 2007
Birth date and place
1941 Obituary
10 Feb 1941 Port Huron Times-Herald |
St. Clair County Library
Port Huron |
Born 31 Jun 1851 in Detroit
Title Header

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sarah Maria Pemberton Research Log (Birth)
Although I really liked my last blog post on Sarah, I decided that I needed a more summarized version of my findings. Luckily, my software (RootsMagic 5) has just the solution - a Research Log. The research log allows me to keep track of all sources and repositories checked. I can even list the results of my searches so that I can compare the information in multiple sources. Here is the birth date and place research log I started for Sarah:
Sarah Maria (Pemberton) Morrison Jones (1851-1941)
The only thing I've really been doing in the genealogy world is cleaning up the sources and events in my RootsMagic database. This is my almost squeaky clean database (not my original FTM database in which I just copied a bunch of stuff over from the internet). It mostly contains the ancestors of my maternal grandfather, John Peter PEMBERTON. (This is because at the time I started the database, I was about to embark on a vacation to Michigan to visit family, and I figured I would throw in some research on the side). I started the cleanup with my own parents, then on to my maternal grandparents, my great-grandparents, all the siblings of my maternal grandparents and great-grandparents, etc. I'm now working on the siblings of my great-great-great-grandfather, John C. PEMBERTON. Since I'm working on them, I decided to do a blog post on each one of them after I clean up the sources and events.
Sarah Maria PEMBERTON was the 8th child of my 4th great-grandparents, Jeremiah PEMBERTON and Susanna JERMYN. I chose to clean her up first because of the seven siblings who married, she had the least number of descendants. Therefore, I figured she would go the fastest.
Sarah first shows up in the 1860 census in the home of her parents in Brownstown Township, Wayne, Michigan (just outside of Detroit).
She is actually enumerated as Maria Pemberton, which I presume is her middle name. (She shows up as Sarah M. Pemberton in later records). She was age 8, which estimates a birth date of c. 1851-1852. Her birthplace is given as Canada. All the children, except the youngest (born c. 1856), were born in Canada, so it appears that the family immigrated around 1855.
In 1870, Sarah is again enumerated with her parents, this time in Clay Township, St. Clair, Michigan, as Sarah M. Pemberton. The family had moved about 60 miles north.
Not long after the 1870 census, Sarah married Reuben Morrison 20 May 1871 in Detroit.
Sarah was much younger than Reuben. He was 38 years old (b. c. 1833), about 18 years older than Sarah. He was a carpenter from Detroit. Like Sarah, he was also born in Canada. Sarah's age of 20 on the marriage record estimates her birth date to be c. 1850-1851. Sarah's residence is given as Algonac, which is in Clay Township, where her parents lived in 1870. They were married by a Justice of the Peace named Pete Guenther. Witnesses were James J. Miller and Edward C. Adam, both of Detroit. The only thing I've been able to confirm about the associates is that Pete Guenther was born about 1825 in Germany and had a son named Louis who was a carpenter like Reuben (1870 census). Edward C. Adams owned the Mansion House in Detroit (1870 city directory), which is listed as a hotel in later Detroit city directories. Perhaps this is where Reuben lived while he was in Detroit, though I cannot seem to find Reuben in any Detroit city directories.
By 1880, Reuben and Sarah had settled back in Clay Township.
Between 1880 and 1888, the family appears to have remained in Clay Township, as I have found them in the 1883, 1885, 1887, and 1888 county directories. In each, Reuben is listed as a carpenter.
Tragedy struck the family in the 1890s. Reuben (Sr) died from epileptic fits on 7 Apr 1892 in Wales Township, St.Clair, Michigan.
His age was given as 72, meaning he was born c. 1819-1820 (he just keeps getting older and older in these records!). He died in Wales Township, but I don't think the family moved there. Wales was home to the county poorhouse or poor farm, so I have a feeling that maybe he died while at that institution. His birthplace and his parents' names are all listed as "unknown." This may be even further evidence that he died while at the poorhouse, as the informant may have been a poorhouse employee who didn't know much about his background. Unfortunately, the informant is not listed on the county death register.
Reuben's tombstone, which has been photographed at FindAGrave, gives his birth date as 2 Nov 1819, which would jive with the age in his death record. He was buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. Since his tombstone seems to be the same tombstone as his children (and in much too good condition to have been created in 1892), I have to wonder if he was actually buried at the Wales Poor Farm Cemetery. Perhaps his body was later removed to Lakeside, or perhaps he is actually still at the Poor Farm. Further evidence is the fact that his tombstone gives his death date as 21 Apr 1892, when the death record clearly says 7 Apr 1892. This would make sense if the tombstone was created well after his death.
Just four years after Reuben Sr.'s death, Reuben Jr. died from typhoid fever.
tombstone at FindAGrave, he was born 3 May 1878, which would technically make him 17 (albeit 3 days from his 18th birthday). A birth date of 3 May 1878 is consistent with his age given in the 1880 census. His birthplace is given as Canada, also consistent with the information in the 1880 census. His parents are listed as Reuben and Sarah Morrison, though Sarah is incorrectly listed as deceased.
In June 1900, the widowed Sarah and her daughter are found in Port Huron.
Just five months after the census, Pearl married James "Robert" Tudhope on 28 Nov 1900 in Port Huron.
According to the 1900 census, Robert lived with his mother and sisters just a few doors down from Sarah and Pearl. The census listed him as divorced. This agrees with the marriage record, which states he was once previously married. On the marriage record, Robert was listed as age 30, though according to his birth record, he was actually 33 years old. He was a carpenter who was born in Port Huron to James Tudhope and Sarah Car[r]. Pearl was 25 years old, which agrees with a birth date of Aug 1875 given in the 1900 census. Her birthplace is given as Michigan, however, which conflicts with a birthplace of Canada given on both the 1880 and 1900 census. Her parents' names were not given. The officiant was R.N. Van Doren, and according to the 1901 Port Huron City Directory, Robert N. VanDoren was the pastor at First Baptist Church. The two witnesses were E.B. and H.D. Tudhope. I have determined that H.D. Tudhope was likely Robert's younger brother, Harry D. Tudhope, but I have not determined the identity of E.B. Tudhope.
Pearl and Robert lived at 2701 Military St. in Port Huron from at least 1902 until 1910 (and maybe later). I have found them in the 1902, 1904, 1906, 1907, and 1910 city directories.
1902: Tudhope J Robert, wks Fac Land Co, res Military [Factory Land Co.]
1904: Tudhope J Robert, wks Pt H E & T Co, res 2701 Military [Port Huron Engine and Thresher Company]
1906: Tudhope Robert (Pearl) carp, res 2701 Military
1907: Tudhope Robert (Mary P) mach, res 1701 Military (according to the street directory, they still lived at 2701 Military - this appears to be a typo)
1910: Tudhope J Robert (Pearl M) carp, res 2701 Military
For some reason, Robert and Pearl are missing from the 1909 city directory. In each city directory above, and in the 1909 directory, Mrs. Sarah Morrison (wid Reuben) is also listed at 2701 Military.
On 25 Apr 1910, Robert and Pearl were enumerated at 2701 S. Military in Port Huron.
About two weeks after the 1910 census, Sarah married a neighbor (see family below Robert and Pearl in 1910 census), Charles F. Jones , on 9 May 1910 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa, Michigan. (Funny, because just a few months after the 1900 census, Pearl also married a neighbor).
In 1920, Charles and Sarah were enumerated on Myrtlewood St. in Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan (just a few miles south of Port Huron).
Just two miles to the north, Robert and Pearl were enumerated at 3303 Military St. in Port Huron.
Robert and Pearl are listed at 3303 Military in the city directories through 1931.
Tudhope James R (Pearl M), mach, h 3303 Military
Tudhope J Robert (Pearl) wks A M Tudhope, h 3303 Military [A M Tudhope was a sand and gravel company, owned by his sister, Alice M. Tudhope]
Tudhope Russell W, student, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Robert J (Pearl), prop Tudhope Sand Co, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Russell, wks U S Mail, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Robert J (Pearl) prop Tudhope Sand Co, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Russell, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn, lab, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Harry, student, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Robt J (Pearl M) emp St C County Rd Com h3303 Military
Tudhope Russell W h3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn P state inspr h3303 Military
Tudhope J Robt (Pearl M) emp County Rd Comm h3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn P h3303 Military
Tudhope J Harry student h3303 Military
In 1930, Pearl and Robert Morrison were enumerated again at 3303 Military.
Charles and Sarah Jones were enumerated at 574 Myrtlewood in Marysville. I am assuming this is the same house as 1920, but in 1920 no house number was given.
Between 1933 and 1936, Robert, Pearl, and their children were enumerated at several different addresses on Military St.
Tudhope J Robt r3205 Military
Tudhope Elwyn P h3303 Military
Tudhope J Harry h3303 Military
Tudhope J Robert (Pearl) h3250 Military
Tudhope Elwyn P (Emily) emp Detroit h3205 Military
Tudhope J Harry h3205 Military
The 1933-34 street guide lists the homeowner at 3205 Military as Alice M. Tudhope, Robert's sister. The homeowner at 3303 was listed as James H. Bishop. I believe the 1936-37 address of 3250 is actually a typo because the street guide does not list such an address. Instead, the homeowner at 3205 Military is Ada G. Tudhope, Robert's other sister. In 1938, Robert and Pearl disappear from the city directories in Port Huron. At this point, Marysville was added to the directory, and Charles and Sarah appear in 1938-39 and 1940-41.
1938-39: Jones Charles F (Sarah A) 574 Myrtlewood (Marysville)
1940-41: Jones Charles F (Sarah) h574 Myrtlewood (Mrysvl)
In 1940, Charles and Sarah appear once again at 574 Myrtlewood.
Charles was 79 and Sarah was 88. This means she was born abt 1851-52. Sarah's birthplace was given as Michigan.
I found Pearl living with her oldest son, Russell, and his wife, Margaret, at 3732 Tyler in Detroit in 1940. This would explain why she disappeared from the 1938 Port Huron city directory.
I found Pearl's other two sons, Llwyn and Harry, also living in Detroit in 1940. They lived at 9209 Birwood Ave.
Back in Marysville, Sarah died on 9 Feb 1941. Below is a transcription of her death record:
Her age gives her a birth date of 3 Jun 1851. I also found Sarah's obit in the Port Huron Times-Herald.
Her birth date is given as 31 Jun 1851, but there is obviously no such date on the calendar. I believe it was another typo and should have said 3 Jun 1851. It says she was a member of the Church of Christ in her hometown of Algonac. Survivors were her husband; her daughter, Mrs. Robert Tudhope of Detroit; and three grandsons, Russell and Harry Tudhope of Detroit and Llwyn Tudhope of Port Huron. Sarah was buried in Lakeside Cemetery in Port Huron.
According to a Jones family researcher, Sarah's husband, Charles, died a month after Sarah. Below is a transcription by that researcher:
He was also buried in Lakeside Cemetery.
Pearl is listed in the St. Clair County Death Index in 1962. I need to order her death record. She was buried with her brother at Lakeside Cemetery. Again, I'm not sure what happened to her husband, Robert.
So, that is the story of Sarah and her daughter, Pearl. Now on to creating a research plan for them.
Sarah Maria PEMBERTON was the 8th child of my 4th great-grandparents, Jeremiah PEMBERTON and Susanna JERMYN. I chose to clean her up first because of the seven siblings who married, she had the least number of descendants. Therefore, I figured she would go the fastest.
Sarah first shows up in the 1860 census in the home of her parents in Brownstown Township, Wayne, Michigan (just outside of Detroit).
She is actually enumerated as Maria Pemberton, which I presume is her middle name. (She shows up as Sarah M. Pemberton in later records). She was age 8, which estimates a birth date of c. 1851-1852. Her birthplace is given as Canada. All the children, except the youngest (born c. 1856), were born in Canada, so it appears that the family immigrated around 1855.
In 1870, Sarah is again enumerated with her parents, this time in Clay Township, St. Clair, Michigan, as Sarah M. Pemberton. The family had moved about 60 miles north.
Not long after the 1870 census, Sarah married Reuben Morrison 20 May 1871 in Detroit.
Sarah was much younger than Reuben. He was 38 years old (b. c. 1833), about 18 years older than Sarah. He was a carpenter from Detroit. Like Sarah, he was also born in Canada. Sarah's age of 20 on the marriage record estimates her birth date to be c. 1850-1851. Sarah's residence is given as Algonac, which is in Clay Township, where her parents lived in 1870. They were married by a Justice of the Peace named Pete Guenther. Witnesses were James J. Miller and Edward C. Adam, both of Detroit. The only thing I've been able to confirm about the associates is that Pete Guenther was born about 1825 in Germany and had a son named Louis who was a carpenter like Reuben (1870 census). Edward C. Adams owned the Mansion House in Detroit (1870 city directory), which is listed as a hotel in later Detroit city directories. Perhaps this is where Reuben lived while he was in Detroit, though I cannot seem to find Reuben in any Detroit city directories.
By 1880, Reuben and Sarah had settled back in Clay Township.
Between 1880 and 1888, the family appears to have remained in Clay Township, as I have found them in the 1883, 1885, 1887, and 1888 county directories. In each, Reuben is listed as a carpenter.
Tragedy struck the family in the 1890s. Reuben (Sr) died from epileptic fits on 7 Apr 1892 in Wales Township, St.Clair, Michigan.
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St. Clair County, Michigan, Death Book 3: 27, no. 245, Ruben Morrison, 1892; FHL microfilm 976,875 |
His age was given as 72, meaning he was born c. 1819-1820 (he just keeps getting older and older in these records!). He died in Wales Township, but I don't think the family moved there. Wales was home to the county poorhouse or poor farm, so I have a feeling that maybe he died while at that institution. His birthplace and his parents' names are all listed as "unknown." This may be even further evidence that he died while at the poorhouse, as the informant may have been a poorhouse employee who didn't know much about his background. Unfortunately, the informant is not listed on the county death register.
Reuben's tombstone, which has been photographed at FindAGrave, gives his birth date as 2 Nov 1819, which would jive with the age in his death record. He was buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Port Huron, St. Clair, Michigan. Since his tombstone seems to be the same tombstone as his children (and in much too good condition to have been created in 1892), I have to wonder if he was actually buried at the Wales Poor Farm Cemetery. Perhaps his body was later removed to Lakeside, or perhaps he is actually still at the Poor Farm. Further evidence is the fact that his tombstone gives his death date as 21 Apr 1892, when the death record clearly says 7 Apr 1892. This would make sense if the tombstone was created well after his death.
Just four years after Reuben Sr.'s death, Reuben Jr. died from typhoid fever.
In June 1900, the widowed Sarah and her daughter are found in Port Huron.
Just five months after the census, Pearl married James "Robert" Tudhope on 28 Nov 1900 in Port Huron.
According to the 1900 census, Robert lived with his mother and sisters just a few doors down from Sarah and Pearl. The census listed him as divorced. This agrees with the marriage record, which states he was once previously married. On the marriage record, Robert was listed as age 30, though according to his birth record, he was actually 33 years old. He was a carpenter who was born in Port Huron to James Tudhope and Sarah Car[r]. Pearl was 25 years old, which agrees with a birth date of Aug 1875 given in the 1900 census. Her birthplace is given as Michigan, however, which conflicts with a birthplace of Canada given on both the 1880 and 1900 census. Her parents' names were not given. The officiant was R.N. Van Doren, and according to the 1901 Port Huron City Directory, Robert N. VanDoren was the pastor at First Baptist Church. The two witnesses were E.B. and H.D. Tudhope. I have determined that H.D. Tudhope was likely Robert's younger brother, Harry D. Tudhope, but I have not determined the identity of E.B. Tudhope.
Pearl and Robert lived at 2701 Military St. in Port Huron from at least 1902 until 1910 (and maybe later). I have found them in the 1902, 1904, 1906, 1907, and 1910 city directories.
1902: Tudhope J Robert, wks Fac Land Co, res Military [Factory Land Co.]
1904: Tudhope J Robert, wks Pt H E & T Co, res 2701 Military [Port Huron Engine and Thresher Company]
1906: Tudhope Robert (Pearl) carp, res 2701 Military
1907: Tudhope Robert (Mary P) mach, res 1701 Military (according to the street directory, they still lived at 2701 Military - this appears to be a typo)
1910: Tudhope J Robert (Pearl M) carp, res 2701 Military
For some reason, Robert and Pearl are missing from the 1909 city directory. In each city directory above, and in the 1909 directory, Mrs. Sarah Morrison (wid Reuben) is also listed at 2701 Military.
On 25 Apr 1910, Robert and Pearl were enumerated at 2701 S. Military in Port Huron.
About two weeks after the 1910 census, Sarah married a neighbor (see family below Robert and Pearl in 1910 census), Charles F. Jones , on 9 May 1910 in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa, Michigan. (Funny, because just a few months after the 1900 census, Pearl also married a neighbor).
In 1920, Charles and Sarah were enumerated on Myrtlewood St. in Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan (just a few miles south of Port Huron).
Just two miles to the north, Robert and Pearl were enumerated at 3303 Military St. in Port Huron.
Robert and Pearl are listed at 3303 Military in the city directories through 1931.
Tudhope James R (Pearl M), mach, h 3303 Military
Tudhope J Robert (Pearl) wks A M Tudhope, h 3303 Military [A M Tudhope was a sand and gravel company, owned by his sister, Alice M. Tudhope]
Tudhope Russell W, student, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Robert J (Pearl), prop Tudhope Sand Co, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Russell, wks U S Mail, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Robert J (Pearl) prop Tudhope Sand Co, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Russell, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn, lab, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Harry, student, h 3303 Military
Tudhope Robt J (Pearl M) emp St C County Rd Com h3303 Military
Tudhope Russell W h3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn P state inspr h3303 Military
Tudhope J Robt (Pearl M) emp County Rd Comm h3303 Military
Tudhope Ellwyn P h3303 Military
Tudhope J Harry student h3303 Military
In 1930, Pearl and Robert Morrison were enumerated again at 3303 Military.
Charles and Sarah Jones were enumerated at 574 Myrtlewood in Marysville. I am assuming this is the same house as 1920, but in 1920 no house number was given.
Between 1933 and 1936, Robert, Pearl, and their children were enumerated at several different addresses on Military St.
Tudhope J Robt r3205 Military
Tudhope Elwyn P h3303 Military
Tudhope J Harry h3303 Military
Tudhope J Robert (Pearl) h3250 Military
Tudhope Elwyn P (Emily) emp Detroit h3205 Military
Tudhope J Harry h3205 Military
The 1933-34 street guide lists the homeowner at 3205 Military as Alice M. Tudhope, Robert's sister. The homeowner at 3303 was listed as James H. Bishop. I believe the 1936-37 address of 3250 is actually a typo because the street guide does not list such an address. Instead, the homeowner at 3205 Military is Ada G. Tudhope, Robert's other sister. In 1938, Robert and Pearl disappear from the city directories in Port Huron. At this point, Marysville was added to the directory, and Charles and Sarah appear in 1938-39 and 1940-41.
1938-39: Jones Charles F (Sarah A) 574 Myrtlewood (Marysville)
1940-41: Jones Charles F (Sarah) h574 Myrtlewood (Mrysvl)
In 1940, Charles and Sarah appear once again at 574 Myrtlewood.
Charles was 79 and Sarah was 88. This means she was born abt 1851-52. Sarah's birthplace was given as Michigan.
I found Pearl living with her oldest son, Russell, and his wife, Margaret, at 3732 Tyler in Detroit in 1940. This would explain why she disappeared from the 1938 Port Huron city directory.
I found Pearl's other two sons, Llwyn and Harry, also living in Detroit in 1940. They lived at 9209 Birwood Ave.
Back in Marysville, Sarah died on 9 Feb 1941. Below is a transcription of her death record:
Decedent: Sarah JonesSource: St. Clair County, Michigan, Death Book 8: 340, Sarah Jones, 1941; County Clerk, Port Huron.
Death date: 9 Feb 1941
Death place: Marysville
Sex: F
Race: W
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Charles
Cause of death: chronic myocarditis, senility
Age: 89 y, 8 m, 6 d
Birthplace: Michigan
Occupation: Retired housewife
Father: Jeremiah Pemberton
Father's birthplace: Unknown
Mother: Susanah German
Mother's birthplace: Ireland
Her age gives her a birth date of 3 Jun 1851. I also found Sarah's obit in the Port Huron Times-Herald.
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"Resident Of City Fifty Years Dies," The Port Huron (Michigan) Times Herald, 10 February 1941, p. 2. |
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Photo courtesy of cousin, Sam Lindsay |
According to a Jones family researcher, Sarah's husband, Charles, died a month after Sarah. Below is a transcription by that researcher:
Per Death Record # - Book 8, page 346
Charles F. Jones
Born: Michigan
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed - (Sarah)
Occupation: Retired Carpenter
Date of Death: March 15, 1941
Place of Death: Marysville
Cause of Death: Uremia
Age at Time of Death: 79 years, 11 months, 7 days
Father's Name: Steven Jones
Mother's Name: Unknown
Record Filed: March 17, 1941
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Photo courtesy of cousin, Sam Lindsay |
He was also buried in Lakeside Cemetery.
Pearl is listed in the St. Clair County Death Index in 1962. I need to order her death record. She was buried with her brother at Lakeside Cemetery. Again, I'm not sure what happened to her husband, Robert.
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Photo courtesy of cousin, Sam Lindsay |
So, that is the story of Sarah and her daughter, Pearl. Now on to creating a research plan for them.
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